Metabolic Diabetes Surgery

97.4 Kg
65.1 Kg
39 years
1.64 cm
Previous weight:
97.4 Kg
Current weight:
65.1 Kg
Date of intervention:

My name is Susanna, looking at the website of Clínica Obésitas I decided to arrange a first visit with Dr. Ferrer and his team.

Due to the overweight I had before my surgery, I had problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure… but above all, I had emotional problems, low self-esteem, underestimation of myself…

In spite of having made diets and more diets, I never managed to lose weight definitively. When I went to Clínica Obésitas and Dr. Ferrer explained to me what my problem was and that it could be solved with a metabolic bypass for diabetes.

My low self-esteem due to the overweight, the health problems and the confidence and security that I received at the Clinic, is what led me to make the decision.
The quality of life once operated is great. Now I eat everything. I do sport, and as I have always eaten very little, I really don’t feel uncomfortable now when I eat in public.

I’ve lost 30 kg and I’m very satisfied with the operation. Extremely satisfied, now every day I have motivation to get ready, and be more flirtatious and since 01-08-2011 I have not cried any day for my complex, nor for feeling bad with my body. Now “I eat the world” (figuratively speaking, obviously, because my stomach capacity is limited), the world does not eat me, as it seemed before.

I have noticed a radical change in attitude towards life, self-esteem overflows, happiness catches you and you feel like another citizen, not just any fat person. As for my physical appearance: being able to go to any store, and when I say any store I mean any store, where you have a “person” size and they DO NOT tell you: “Here we don’t have a size for you”… it’s wonderful!

The truth is that the world of the obese is a very cruel world, both the society and the person who suffers it “crushes” both physically and emotionally, the operation is a help, you have to change habits, this is clear, but it is a new opportunity that gives you the opportunity to do things well, and start again, and be a human, not a “lump with legs”, and when you have a high weight, people look at you on the street and generates rejection. Operated, these things disappear.


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