Gastric Sleeve

103 Kg
59.8 Kg
38 years
1.63 cm
Previous weight:
103 Kg
Current weight:
59.8 Kg
Date of intervention:

My name is Yolanda and I had gastric tube surgery 9 months ago. Since then I’ve lost 43.2kg.

I got to know Clínica Obésitas because it was recommended to me by a nurse friend of the Hospital 9 de Octubre. Before the operation, obesity didn’t cause me physical problems, but I did have fatigue. Above all I had a lot of emotional problems, I hated myself, I didn’t want to be with people because I was embarrassed.

Before the operation, I carried out many dietary treatments to lose weight: Naturhouse, Pronokal, dissociated diets, diets for points, …

Not being comfortable with me made me look for another alternative to diets, and so I found Clínica Obésitas. I looked at more sites, but I stayed with Dr. Ferrer for the safety and experience he passed on to me.

Today, I enjoy food and no longer as uncomfortable in public, I no longer care that people see me eat.
Now I feel happy, with joy, I do physical activity, I like myself and I love myself. On a physical level the change has been brutal, I’ve never seen myself like this before. I wish I’d done it sooner. I’m very satisfied with the operation.

If you ask me, I’d recommend the operation to other people, because your life will change. I was born again on January 16. I’m another person, not only physically, but also emotionally. Now I trust myself. I love shopping and from the dressing room I have to order smaller sizes. And take pictures with my kids, I didn’t have pictures with them.
After my children, operating at Clínica Obésitas is the best thing I’ve ever done in my life. I’m happy and I have an active life. I have gained in health, because with the years and obesity, my health would also have worsened had it not been for the operation.


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