SADIS Gastric Bypass

142.6 Kg
65 Kg
57 years
161 cm
Previous weight:
142.6 Kg
Current weight:
65 Kg
Date of intervention:

My name is Antonia, I underwent gastric bypass surgery a little over 2 years ago and my life has changed after losing 77kg.

1- How did you hear about us?

Searching the internet for results, opinions and everything necessary to decide for one or another bariatric surgeon.

2- Why did you choose to be treated at Clínica Obésitas? What makes us different?

The good opinions of their patients already treated, the good results in them and their experience, the years he has been in this, how prepared he is and the good hospital in which the operations are done. And secondly to have a family home there so that I could stay there as long as I needed.
What makes us different?
I think seriousness, responsibility and professionalism. Personal interest in each and every one of his patients.

3- Broadly speaking, what physical and emotional problems caused obesity?

Physical enough, I had already reached the point where walking a few meters was an impossible mission because I literally suffocated, I was short of breath and needed to stop.
Also at bedtime I snored in such a way that for my family it was almost impossible to sleep and rest, I, although I slept did not rest well, I woke up with my mouth and throat shattered and tired, very tired woke me up. Another problem I had was urinary incontinence, the fats were pressing on my bladder and without noticing it, not when I was straining or coughing but at any time without being able to control it or realize when it happened, so I needed to use compresses day and night with the consequent discomfort that entails.
I never stopped working, but doing so was a duel of titans, carrying my weight was exhausting. Anything was a brutal effort to get it done and ended the days exhausted and of course with no desire for anything but rest. My feet, my legs and my whole body hurt. If I was with my granddaughters I couldn’t even play with them because I was drowning. I was sweating like no one could imagine, a lot in winter, but in summer it was always having wet clothes without remedy.
Emotional less, as I have always been someone with enough character not to be overcome by my obesity and the opinion of others has neither mattered to me nor does it matter to me today. But if there were bad times especially when going to buy clothes, complicated mission. What I was worth was a sack, what I liked didn’t fit into it. So I could barely buy clothes and what I got was practically all black with what seemed like continuous mourning.

4- What treatments did you try before the operation?

I have lived on a diet almost all my life without losing anything more than my mood, I followed them to try not to keep gaining weight and I didn’t even get it. Little by little, year after year, the scale kept going up.
The only good thing I could do with always being on a diet was to always have a perfect blood test, but when it came to losing weight I failed hopelessly.

5- What led you to make the decision to have us operate on you?

  • My health problem.
  • Not being comfortable with myself.
  • The security and experience that Dr. Ferrer and his team gave me.

Actually the three things, especially my problems that I explained before, but without the tranquillity that gave me this medical team I would never have decided and today would be much worse than before.

6- Regarding the quality of life with the operation.

  • Do you enjoy the food? Yes, even if I eat little I enjoy it more, I quit smoking to face this operation and I have not fallen back into that vice of smoking. So one more good thing I got when I had surgery.
  • Comfortable in public? No, as normal, very small portions, but almost everything, I just have to be careful if I was to choose well what I ask.
  • How do you feel about your day-to-day life? Great, that’s the word, wonderfully great.
  • Other comments: Now I get out a lot, I relate to people differently, I feel like doing things and going out to have fun. I can keep up with people and enjoy life. It used to be just work and suffering.

7-What changes have you experienced?

On a psychological level: I don’t mind going to buy clothes anymore because I find it and what I like I try it on and it’s good for me, staying perfect.
On a physical level: In everything. I don’t sweat anymore, I don’t snore anymore, it doesn’t hurt at all, I can walk for miles without shortness of breath, I can go out, I can dance, in short, I can live. Urinary incontinence disappeared when I had lost about 30 kilos and that was a release for me. I work without getting exhausted. I make social life. I can keep up with my granddaughters and enjoy them like I never could before. I feel like everything, and first of all.

8-are you generally satisfied with the operation?

Yeah, more than satisfied.
Proud of the decision taken, enthusiastic with the result obtained, delighted with the treatment received from the doctor and all his team. And above all very grateful that there are teams as well prepared as that of Doctor Ferrer.

9-would you recommend that someone else have the operation? Yes

Why is that? I don’t know.
Because it totally changes your life for the better and that for people who drag an obesity or as in my case a great morbid obesity is very important.
It is the best investment we can make because health in the end is our best treasure, without health everything else we have more than enough.

10- Other comments if desired

Life has changed me as I said before, but it has also changed my character, I see life in a different way.
I feel a joy that is not explained in words, you have to live it to understand it, I have gone from seeing life sad and grey to see it happy and colourful.
Before, I knew that I wouldn’t live long, and I didn’t care much either, because living the way I did was not desirable at all.
Now I imagine myself old next to my partner and I see it possible.


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