SADIS Gastric Bypass

168 Kg
83 Kg
50 years
185 cm
Previous weight:
168 Kg
Current weight:
83 Kg
Date of intervention:

Hi, I’m Francisco and I met Clínica Obésitas through the internet looking for information about bariatric operations. I decided to undergo SADIS bypass surgery 11 months ago. Since then I’ve lost 85 kg.

I chose to be treated at Clínica Obésitas because I really liked the information on the website, it clarifies many doubts and gave me confidence. The attention seemed close and professional, very clear and direct. I didn’t look at other options.

Before the operation, I had various problems with mobility, tiredness and self-esteem. He also had health problems like high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I was beginning to be seriously concerned about the metabolic syndrome.
Before my surgery, I tried different diets, some of them with nutritionist and intensive sport. Also other varied attempts based on eating little and spending a lot.

I finally decided to have an operation because I wanted to definitively solve the problem I had been struggling with all my life. And also for the safety and experience that Dr. Ferrer and his team passed on to me.

After the operation like everything else, although I have learned to eat healthier. In my day to day I feel very well, I do activities that I could not even imagine before, such as sports every day.

Now I have more self-esteem and confidence, I don’t martyr myself for not being able to lose weight. On a physical level I’m much more active and I do sport regularly.

I am very satisfied with the intervention of Bypass SADIS. The results have been excellent, I have achieved everything I set out to do, rigorously following the indications given and significantly changing eating habits.

I would recommend the operation to other people because I think it is worth overcoming the fears that might arise, because the benefits are much greater.


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