Gastric Balloon

137.6 Kg
113.6 Kg
38 years
Sales Director
1.73 cm
Previous weight:
137.6 Kg
Current weight:
113.6 Kg
Date of intervention:

My job means I have to travel constantly and lead a disorganized life when it comes to meals. I also find it difficult to follow a strict diet because when you don’t eat at home, you have to adapt to what you have. That made my weight excessive and I couldn’t follow a weight loss treatment for a long time.

Through the website of Clínica Obésitas I met Dr. Ferrer and his team. At first, due to my obesity degree, I was advised to use the Lap Band, but as it was an operation, I preferred the

Intragastric Balloon, as it was very encouraged to start taking care of me and gave me the impression that it would be controlled by Dr. Ferrer, the dietician and the psychologist.

That’s how it has been, having to go regularly to the consultations and the information and help they have given me, has meant that in one year of treatment I have lost 24kg. Nowadays, as with more order and discipline, I exercise regularly (something unthinkable a year ago), I recommend this treatment to anyone who asks me, but always in the hands of a good multidisciplinary team.


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We will perform a preliminary evaluation and medical recommendation , without obligation.