
Gall bladder stones

Select treatments for other obesity pathologies

What is gallbladder stones?

Gallstones (cholelithiasis) are a frequent cause of abdominal pain and discomfort after meals (pain on the right side of the abdomen, heavy digestion, nausea, etc.).

Gallbladder diseases are now a frequent cause of consultation with the surgeon.
Nowadays, the removal of the gallbladder is performed with minimally invasive techniques by laparoscopy achieving a quick recovery of the patient with little postoperative discomfort. Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy only causes alterations in the patient, shortens the time of admission and reduces the risk of complications.

When should I have surgery?

It is performed when gallstones appear in the gallbladder and also when gallbladder polyps require removal.

What do I have to do to have surgery?

Once the stones or polyps have been diagnosed in our consultation, you will be evaluated by the surgeon who will ask you for preoperative tests (analysis, ECG and chest x-ray) and a preanaesthetic evaluation. After the results and having checked that everything is correct, you can now trade.

How long will I be in the hospital?

As already mentioned, this is a minimally invasive treatment, this allows most cases to go home in the first 24 hours.

Is there a lot of scarring left?

NO, 3 or 4 small incisions of approximately 5mm are made which are barely noticeable after scarring.

When can I have a normal life?

You will be able to walk the same day of the operation, you will be able to go out to the street the following day and to develop a work that does not require excessive physical effort to loe 10-15 days of the high one. Safe and efficient technology in our hands. It endorses us:

  • We are trained in advanced laparoscopic surgery (University Diploma of the Faculty of Medicine of Montpellier in Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery).
  • Thorough preoperative preparation.
  • Technique by laparoscopy and mini-invasive anaesthesia.
  • Fast Track post-operative protocol, with only 24-hour access.
  • Quick recovery, normal life in 7 days.

Price and what is included in the transaction

Price gallbladder surgery

Medical Equipment

3.500 €

Hospital expenses

1.600-1.800 €*


4.300 €*
* variable according to patient
The prices include
  • Preoperative evaluation.
  • Preoperative preparation.
  • Surgical Team Fees.
  • Hospital expenses.
  • Emergency location telephone.
  • Post-operative consultations.
Financing at 8% interest up to 5 years

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We will make a preliminary medical evaluation and recommendation , without obligation.