SADIS Gastric Bypass

160.5 Kg
79 Kg
28 years
Student of Administration and Finance
1.67 cm
Previous weight:
160.5 Kg
Current weight:
79 Kg
Date of intervention:

My name is Sandra and I got to know Clínica Obésitas through the internet, since we were looking for clinics and surgeons. I had gastric bypass surgery 2 years ago and since then I have lost 80 kg.

Before, obesity caused me fatigue and luckily I didn’t go any further, since I never felt pain in any limb. As for the emotional problems, I had depression and very low self-esteem.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve tried to lose weight on thousands of diets, but I’ve never been on it for more than 2 years.

The strongest reasons why I decided to have surgery at Clínica Obésitas were my health problem and because I wasn’t comfortable with myself.

Currently I enjoy the food, because I no longer have remorse and I eat, and no longer as uncomfortable in public. After the operation, my self-confidence has grown quite a bit and I don’t have depression. On a physical level I’m another person!

I am very satisfied with the gastric bypass operation, since I feel good about myself. I would recommend it to other people because the results are visible in a short time, because the professional team is very good and also teach you how to eat and what to eat.

Finally, I want to comment that the receptionist at Clínica Obésitas, Inma, is a very professional girl and always attentive to everyone, she never has a bad face or a bad answer, she is very sweet and makes you feel at home.


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