Mª José
Gastric Balloon

Mª José
91.4 Kg
Mª José
78 Kg
Mª José
40 years
1.61 cm
Previous weight:
91.4 Kg
Current weight:
78 Kg
Date of intervention:

Reading the newspaper, I found an article on the intragastric balloon technique. I searched the internet for centres that would implant it and that’s how I got to know Clínica Obésitas. As I had reached 100kg and had severe obesity, I decided to make a first appointment to find out. That wasn’t the first treatment I tried: besides miracle diets of all kinds (pineapple, milkshakes, hyperproteic…) with a rebound effect afterwards, I also had liposuction and several mesotherapy sessions. Despite all my attempts, I still weighed too much and was a physical discomfort, preventing me from doing things as basic as shoes, I was anxious not to be able to play with my daughter half of what I could before because of tiredness and in general I did not look good.

During these years I have kept the clothes I wore before I became pregnant because I have always hoped to put them back on, to wear that size.
When I put the ball on, at the beginning of February, I had already lost 9kg and weighed 91. 4 months later I lost 13kg more, going down to 78kg. In addition to the physical changes, I consider that I have learned a lot at a dietary level: before I had the belief that legumes are fattening, that pasta cannot be taken because it has a lot of calories… For me, being on a diet implied a monotonous routine in which only grilled meat with vegetables was eaten, but now it is not like that.

I’d recommend the ball without thinking about it. The results are effective if the patient assumes that he has to make changes in his dietary and psychological habits. To those who are afraid or afraid of implantation I would say that it doesn’t hurt, and there comes a point when you forget that you’re carrying the ball. I personally had a bad night of placement but since then I have not had vomiting again, my body accepted the ball perfectly and has not caused me more discomfort.


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