SADIS Gastric Bypass

132 Kg
84.3 Kg
36 years
1.65 cm
Previous weight:
132 Kg
Current weight:
84.3 Kg
Date of intervention:

Hello, my name is Carolina and I underwent gastric bypass surgery 1 year ago. Since then I’ve lost almost 48 kg.

I met Clínica Obésitas on the internet and decided to have surgery because I had asthma and my mood was “like depressive”.

Before the operation, I tried 1000 and a diet, but when I left it, I recovered twice as much as I was going down.

Finally, I decided to take the step of having surgery to improve my health, because I wasn’t comfortable with myself, and because Dr. Ferrer and his team gave me security and confidence.

Before the operation, he ate on the sly. Now I sincerely enjoy meals and I don’t worry about being seen eating anymore.

At the moment of mood I feel super good, and I like to see myself in the mirror and try on clothes that for me before was very hard, since I did not like how I was.

In general, if you ask me if I am satisfied with the operation, I would say that I am not satisfied, I am SUPER SATISFIED!

I would recommend the operation to other people, because it will change your life 100%.


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