Knowing obesity

What are the accepted and recommended obesity operations?

The ASMBS (American Association…), recommends in general the technique of Gastric Bypass by Laparoscopy, performed by teams that meet the quality criteria of: possible mortality of less than 0.35%, protocolization of the entire preparation process, preoperative muldiscilinar study, surgical intervention with methods of optimization of the process type “Fast-Track” (Quick Recovery), and support and multidisciplinary postoperative monitoring.

In recent years, the use of the Sleeve Gastrectomy / Gastric Tube technique by laparoscopy has been accepted, as well as the use of the Adjustable Gastric Band for selected cases (with the same safety measures as in the previous paragraph).

The use of malabsorptive techniques (doudenal crossing, bilio-pancreatic bypass, minigastric bypass / bypass of anastomosis) is generally discouraged.