Knowing obesity

Choice of type of operation and expected results

Type of operation Restrictive + malabsorptive Restrictive + endocrine Sólo restrictiva
First name Gastric bypass Gastric tube or Sleeve gastrectomy Adjustable gastric band
Anatomical description A new stomach (20-30cc) is created that connects to the small intestine, separating food and gastric juices for 100-150cm. A 60-100cc gastric tube is created. Silicone band that is placed around the upper part of the stomach, and taht is adjustable a small stomach of 15-20cc is created.
Image Bypass gástrico Tubo gástrico o Sleeve gastrectomy Banda gástrica ajustable
How it works  Decreased amount of food that can be eaten. Controlled malabsorption. Small diarrhoea if excess sugars or fats. Decreased amount of food that can be eaten. NO malabsorption/ diarrhoea. The natural function of the stomach is preserved. Decreased amount of food that can be eaten. Delays emptying of the stomach. It si necessary to wear a proshtesis for life.
Weight loss achieved 70-80% of excess weight. It si the most contrasted and experienced operation. 65%-80% of excess weight. The maximum experience is 8 years. 50% of the excess weight. It is the treatment that requieres more effort for the patient.
Modification of long term dietary habits Initally about 800 cal/day are ingested during 18 months. Over time you reach 1000-1200 calories per day. Most should avoid sweets and fats to avoid dumping. It is necessary to take Vitamins, Fe, Ca, to prevent deficiencies. Initially 600-800 cal/day are ingested for 12 months. Over time you reach 1000-1200 calories per day. No dumping, no diarrhoea Vitamins or supplements should not be taken for life Initially, about 800 calories/day are ingestd and with time the daily calorie intake. reaches 1000-1200. Certain foods can cause “stoppages” if they are eaten rashly (rice, bread, dried meats, popcorn) cuasing pain and vomiting. If dietary habits cannot be changed, weight can be regained.
Potential problems Dumping Stenosis or ulcers of the anastomosis Intestinal obstruction. Iron Deficiencies, Vitamin B 12, Folic Acid, Diarrhoea. Reflux and regurgitation/vomiting. Stenosis. Recover lost weight. You may need an additional procedure. Little weight loss 3% Band Slippage. Stomach erosion 1%. Infection 1%. Valve problems 2%. Malfunctioning oeasophagus and band
Duration of the operation 3 hours 1,5 hours 1 hours
Time off from work 1 week (sedentary work) 1 week (sedentary work) 2-3 days (sedentary work)
Our recommendation It is the most effective treatment among BMI 45-55, and especially if the patient does not control sweets and/or sancks. On the other hand, they may have more long-term complications and must take supplements for life. Very safe, should be aused for patients with super obesity (BMI>55). Adequate in BMI between 35-45, due to the low surgical risk of the operation. Indispensable control with pecks and candy. The patient has to do more of his part. Suitable for patients who are willing to participate in a habit change program, with dietary restictions and physical exercise, for life!