Lap Band

123 Kg
105 Kg
66 years
1.65 cm
Previous weight:
123 Kg
Current weight:
105 Kg
Date of intervention:

My name is Eva, I got to know Clínica Obésitas through a friend and when I was 60 years old I decided to have gastric band surgery, putting myself in the hands of Dr. Ferrer.
Obesity caused me some physical and emotional problems, although I have always carried them more or less. What I have noticed the most with the Lap Band throughout the time I have been operated, is that I can feel that I do not need to eat more. I don’t have any kind of problem derived from the operation and I have to say that it has been a success for me.

I wouldn’t mind telling someone to have an operation because I’m very satisfied with the results, I would tell the person concerned about my experiences and then it’s up to you to decide for yourself.

I recommend that people who are going to have surgery then be followed by the Clinic team, the dietitian, the psychologist and the surgeon. In my case, my circumstances did not allow me to have that follow-up and I would have liked to have had it to have that support and complete my learning with food.


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