Patient Resources / Guide to Vitamins and Minerals in Food

Providing protein in the diet, after an operation for obesity

Importance of protein intake in the diet, after an operation for obesity

The contribution of proteins in the diet, after an operation of obesity: How and how many we must consume will be the objective of this article.

Protein is one of the macronutrients contained in food. The other macronutrients are carbohydrates and lipids or fats.

Each macronutrient has a specific function in our body and provides a different number of calories.

Caloric value of macronutrients and their functions (Carbohydrates; Proteins; Fats)

In the case of proteins, they provide around 4 Kcal per gram, similar values to carbohydrates. Fats contribute 9 Kcal per gram.

Carbohydrates have a basically energetic function; fats, in addition to this energetic function, are a vehicle for liposoluble vitamins and essential fatty acids for complex and important organic activities for our health.

On the other hand, proteins are mainly in charge of maintaining and building the muscle structure, as well as transporting certain substances between our cells and maintaining other structures both at a blood level (haemoglobin; ferritin…) and at an external level (skin; nails; hair…).



Quality of protein in the diet after obesity surgery

The proteins in the diet are obtained through foods of animal and vegetable origin. They are classified according to their better or worse availability to be used by our organism based on the so-called biological value of proteins.

Proteins with a higher biological value are absorbed and better used by our organism. Among the proteins with the highest biological value are those of eggs, milk, fish and meat. They are followed by the proteins of the legumes and finally with the minor biological value those that contain the cereals as the rice or the wheat.

The contribution of proteins in the diet, after an operation of obesity must be the adapted one to avoid the loss of muscular mass during the intensive loss of weight. To do this, we must always provide high biological value proteins in our diet.

Amount of protein in the diet after an obesity operation

Establishing a specific amount of protein is not the most appropriate since each person has specific requirements, but as a guideline it is determined that the ideal for people without high physical activity would be between 0.8 and 1 gram of protein per kilogram of weight per day.

Sources of protein in the diet after obesity surgery

As an example to reach these levels throughout the day, we should introduce dairy products in breakfasts or snacks, as well as an adequate portion of meat, fish or eggs in the main meals. In addition, we can add legumes as a carbohydrate in the main meal, which will increase this protein intake.

In this way, we will manage to lose weight, keeping our muscle mass stable and promoting that the loss of this weight is mainly fat. In addition, an adequate muscle volume produces a greater energy expenditure by our body, an important factor in achieving a prolonged maintenance of the weight lost.